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Corral Solar Development 

EGP conducted biological resources surveys in support of the Corral Solar Project, a Proposed 3.0 Megawatt community solar photovoltaic array located on a 58.5 acre parcel in the community of Helendale, San Bernardino County.


EGP biologists conducted a general biological resources survey, Mohave ground squirrel habitat assessment, aquatic resources delineation, and protocol desert tortoise presence/absence survey for the Project. Following completion of surveys, EGP prepared technical reports documenting the surveys and assisted with preparation of the Biological Resources section for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. The IS/MND was approved by the County on December 19, 2024. EGP also submitted an Approved Jurisdictional Determination request to the United States Army Corps of Engineers and is currently preparing applications and assisting the client with acquiring regulatory permits from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Regional Water Quality Control Board to address jurisdictional waters within the Project limits.

Corral Solar Development

Radiant BMT


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